Friday, 28 March 2014

Nature Notes for January 2014

January 2013

The sparrows were making the most of the spilt seed as a flock of 15 of them hoovered it up.

A male house sparrow

I also had my first sighting of a male chaffinch pecking at the hanging suet block.
Six greenfinches were all jostling for position on a seed feeder. The greenfinches are wonderful sleek looking birds.

A male greenfinch

The GSWs made multiple visits to the garden but there isn't that much difference to tell between the males except that one appears to be more shy / cautious compared to the other. One of them was always turning up at 08:30 every morning. The female still preferring to eat peanuts.
The strangest bird sighting this month was a moorhen perched in a tree beside the garden. I have never seen this before or since.
The hour long bird count showed that the sparrows and great tits were the most numerous. The peanut feeders were the most popular.


I spotted a very small mouse coming out from some ivy covered rocks to pick up a seed and dart back under the protection of his rocky home. I had noticed mouse holes in the soil around the base of the feeders but I had never seen any activity. Perhaps he is a harvest mouse. He certainly spent a very busy day harvesting the spilt seed. I also saw a larger mouse in the garage. I put out a line of four sunflower seeds and in the morning they were gone.

However a new cat has been spotted in the vicinity. This is a large feral looking cat but that perhaps comes from very posh stock. He (I say 'He' but it could well be a female, although it would be rather large for a female cat.) has a long crean coloured body and chocolate brown face and tail. A search on the internet makes me think that he is a long haired Siamese (LHS). He hasn't ventured into the garden yet in the day time but the car has shown paw prints on it in the morning.
I have only spotted two roe deer this month but I have seen four hares. Two were in the fields and the other two in Junk woods.

Other sightings

I saw a couple of buzzards and seven partridges on a local walk. The paths and fields are sodden now with all the rain we have been having.
There were a few tree creepers in B woods and the first signs of spring as a few green shoots were poking up through the leaf litter. In the garden the snowdrops are flowering.

Average temperature 6°C

Total rainfall 97mm

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