Sunday, 19 January 2014

The History of Luffness: Chapter 1

The Geology of Luffness and the Surrounding Area

Let us consider a simplistic model of the landscape. In this model there are three layers one on top of the other. People have used the lower two levels for many reasons, but it is the upper most layer that man has had the greatest influence on. This surface layer contains a visible record of man's occupation. Here we may find traces of passed civilisation, from the ghost of an ancient village revealing itself as a crop mark, to the solid concrete of a disused airfield. Here on the surface we live among our built environment, streets, field systems, golf courses, woods and all the nameless bits between them all. However, it is never quite this simple because what was on the surface one thousand years ago may now be buried in the next layer down.
The next layer down is what geologists may call the 'superficial deposits' or 'overburden'. This layer contains the soil on which life at the upper surface depends. Most soili consists of a mixture of disintegrated rock and some organic remains. The mineral content of the soil usually comes from the process of weathering and erosion in which the elements wear down the exposed bedrock.
The bed rock is the third and lowest layer in our model. This strata formed first, and often determines the nature of the overlying two layers. 

The bedrock of the Luffness area

Now let us look at how and when the earliest rocks in the Luffness area were formed. We need to go back to a time before man, back to a time even before the dinosaurs, in fact we have to go back to 350 million years ago to the Carboniferous period. At this time the land that would become Scotland was situated over the equatorii. The area was dominated by tropical forests; whose buried remains would go onto form the Scottish coal fields. The land that would form East Lothian was a flat coastal plain, clothed by forests, dotted with lagoons and crossed by meandering rivers flowing into deltas at the edge of a sea to the north eastiii.
This landscape was punctuated by volcanic activity. Magma was forced up through the crust to erupt onto the surface. Once on the surface the magma formed lava flows and gradually formed a cone around the volcanic crater. This was the time when the volcanoes that would produce The Bass Rock and North Berwick Law were active.
If we look at a map of the underlying bedrock (illustration 1)iv we can see that about one third of the area is made up of a volcanic rock called Trachytev, which is thought to have been formed by the crystallization and abstraction of iron, magnesium, and calcium minerals from a parent basaltic lava. Basaltvi is the Earth's most abundant bedrock. It was formed when the lava cools quickly on the surface to form a rock of a fine grained texture. If the molten magma was trapped within the Earth's crust it cooled slowly to form a coarse grained rock of of variable composition called Gabbrovii.

One feature formed by magma that never made it to the surface is a sill. A sill forms when the magma is forced sideways through the layers of strata, forcing them apart and then solidifying. An example of a sill can be seen (illustration 2) at Gullane Pointviii.

Illustration 2: British Geological Survey. © NERC. All rights reserved. Image digitised with Grant-in-Aid from SCRAN (Scottish Cultural Resources Access Network)

The British Geological Survey describes it thus:
'The dolerite sill, technically a teschenite, is intruded into the Carboniferous Calciferous Sandstone Measures. As this igneous rock is much harder than the overlying and underlying sedimentary rocks it has withstood erosion better and so now forms a headland.''ix.

The non volcanic rocks of the area are principally the sedimentary rocks; sandstone, mudstone and siltstone. These rocks differ in the size of grains they are formed from. Limestone is another sedimentary rock that forms Aberlady Point. Limestone was formed from the remains of coral reefs and marine sediments produced by the tropical seas of the Carboniferous periodx.

Now that we have looked at the underlying bedrock we will move up the strata to the next layer; the superficial deposits (illustration 3)xi. To understand how they formed we need to realise that during much of the past two million years, East Lothian was buried under an ice sheet many hundreds of metres thickxii. As the enormous weight of this ice bore down on the crust it caused the underlying more viscose mantle material to flow outwards away from the force, which in turn allowed the crust to sink. The ice sheet was not static but flowed west to east across the county. As it did it picked up boulders and fine rock dust which slowly eroded the underlying features. This ice flow carved valleys in an east west orientation and revealed rock formations from the lower layers. The glaciers scoured the volcanoes grinding their cones down to the more resistant rock. It is this resistant rock that forms the remaining plugs that we see today. As well as being an eroding process the ice sheet deposited large amounts of material to form a new uncolonised landscape. These deposits of silt sand and clay have developed over millennia into some of the richest farmland in Britain.

The ice melted for the last time in East Lothian about 14 000 to 16 000xiii years ago and the sea level rose. With the sea came beaches, but the sea volume dropped and the land was elevated due to post glacial rebound. This is the return flow of the mantle material once the deforming weight of the ice has been removed. Very slowly the crust rises over thousands of years until it reaches an equilibrium level. This level is has not been reached yet but the rate may be less than quoted for Dunbar at a rate of 55mm a yearxiv, which sounds rather extraordinary. Whatever the rate, this still left the beaches stranded from the sea that formed them. This gives us the feature known as a raised beach. A raised beach can be seen on the flank of Gala Law at about eight metres above the present sea level, in what now forms part of Luffness Links.
The predominant overlying geology of this area are the wind blown sands. Along the coast the sands and silts of the beaches are light enough to be readily carried along in the wind, particularly where exposed and dry in the intertidal zone. Onshore movement of sand has produced sand dunes, which became stabilized by plants. Characteristic vegetation communities developed on the sand dunes and dune slacks but, as the shoreline has continued to move towards the sea, the older inland plant communities have developed from sand dependent and salt-tolerant communities into more uniform grassland communitiesxv. The raised beach terraces are home to the naturally occurring fine grass species such as Festuca rubra and it is these grasses which make this coast so suitable for the establishment of many fine golf courses.
Having said that, it would be many years before any golf courses were formed. The land as we leave it after the ice melted was uninhabited and would pass through many years before the first people colonised it. It is the evidence of these first people that we examine in the next chapter.


iAberlady Bay Local Nature Reserve, Descriptive Management Plan, East Lothian District Council, 1977.
The full details of the soil survey are included in the plan in Section 6, on page 15 and in drawing 4. I have included these in Appendix A.
iiEast Lothian and the Borders:A Landscape Fashioned by Geology. 1997. Scottish Natural Heritage: page 17.
iiiEast Lothian and the Borders:A Landscape Fashioned by Geology. 1997. Scottish Natural Heritage: page 4.
ivMap product: British Geological Survey 1:50000. Map printed at 1:25000.
viiiEast Lothian and the Borders:A Landscape Fashioned by Geology. 1997. Scottish Natural Heritage: page 7.
xEast Lothian and the Borders:A Landscape Fashioned by Geology. 1997. Scottish Natural Heritage: page 17.
xiMap product: British Geological Survey 1:50000. Map printed at 1:25000.
xiiEast Lothian and the Borders:A Landscape Fashioned by Geology. 1997. Scottish Natural Heritage: page 18.
xiii Lambeck K, 1995: Late Devensian and Holocene shorelines of the British Isles and North Sea from models of glacio-hydro-isostatic rebound,Journal of the Geological Society-London, Vol. 152, 1995, pp. 437–448
xivMoffat A., 2005, Before Scotland: The story of Scotland Before History, ISBN. 0500005133X, Page. 30.

xvRoger P. Kirby (1997): The Aberlady Bay coastal landforms and vegetation communities, Scottish
Geographical Magazine, 113:2, 121-126

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