Sunday 8 June 2014

May Nature Notes

May 2014

The birds who survived the winter and were successful in their breading are now moving into the next phase of their life cycle. That is to say they are putting all their efforts into bringing up the next generation. The starlings were picking out any meal worms from the bird table mix to feed to their offspring the 'starlets'. There has been up to three at any one time pestering the parent.

A speckled starling

Get a beak full of meal worms

Feeding time

Young birds could also be seen on the U lake.

Black swan with cygnet. 

Great crested grebe chick

Parent still on the nest

Mallard ducklings

Coot and cootlet
 However, birth was balanced with a couple of deaths.
On the 16th I found a dead barn owl on the path next to the A64 towards Askham Bryan. It had no rings on the legs so i threw it over the hedge.
On the 19th there was the head of a greenfinch on the stones under the bird feeders. I thought it might have been the cat because I had seen it in the garden a couple of days before.
I found the culprit the next morning as i witnessed a sparrowhawk swoop in and miss the birds on the table but he then hopped into the bush and plucked a bird out. It then landed with the bird in its grip, where it kneaded it a couple of times before flying off.